Welcome to Dale's Angels Inc!
I am Dale's Angels Inc. The services offered, I provide. IT consultancy, author, avid booknerd, and Travel Blogger.
I have platforms for my book, blog, Podcast, and posts on Vocal+. I am working on the electronic version of Chatta-Books and Winebrary. It's all gonna be a blast!
What else is contained within these pages and why is it monetized? Well, I still don't do free. And you have to pay to play. The site will contain advertisements and other links for products to purchase and I do receive a percentage of the sales which will allow me to continue to research and provide my expertise. write the sequel to my book and professionally produce my podcast. I wish I could provide the services and information for free but I do have to make a living. Thanks in advance for your purchases or endorsements!
We want your feedback, but no trolls your posts will not be posted.
PS All photos contained in these pages were taken by yours truly. And I take full responsibility for any "smart-alecky" statements contained herein.
PS All photos contained in these pages were taken by yours truly. And I take full responsibility for any "smart-alecky" statements contained herein.